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Students of Hiroshima University with an entrepreneurship mindset will do their best to solve the problems faced by companies.

  • Hiroshima University has decided that from April 2022, all incoming students will be required to take an entrepreneurship education.

  • The “Entrepreneurship Internship Program” is being implemented as a place for practical activities for Hiroshima University students who are full of the spirit of challenge.  

  • Students from Hiroshima University will do their best to tackle issues that companies want them to solve, or issues that they want to work on together with students, or issues that they would like to find different solutions by listening to the opinions of students.

  • The Hiroshima Love it Consortium Secretariat will carefully narrow down the challenges, disseminate them within the university, and match them with excellent students.

  • If your company is interested, feel free to contact us promptly!


Effort example (1)

​ Calbee Future Lab
Hiroshima University students

Atomica, Hiroshima Venture Capital

To meet with people who are at the forefront of various industries and who are involved in unique initiatives that Calbee does not normally associate with, and to explore the thinking behind new business and product development, as well as the challenges they face.

To communicate from Calbee's point of view and create "the breadth of the Calbee Future Laboratory network."

【Implementation period】
October to December 2022 (about 3 months)


Effort example (2)

Asuka Net Co., Ltd.
Students in the Chugoku-Shikoku area

Issues to be addressed
The project will be a collaboration between companies and students to think about "what kind of business is possible in the metaverse space".

Asukanet Co., Ltd.
AsukaNet operates "Kaede Labo", a virtual lab to spread the appeal and culture of social VR, one of the metaverse.

This is a new style of internship that allows students to experience the Metaverse space to the fullest during the spring vacation period.

Students will take the initiative and challenge themselves to use skills are essential for an entrepreneur.

Implementation Period
February - April, 2023 (3 months)

©2023 by Hiroshima LOVE it Consortium

Headquarters for Open Innovation, Academic and Social Collaboration Office, Hiroshima University

1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture 739-8511

Email: sukijyaken*

(Note: Please replace * with half-width @.)

Tel: 070-1542-7123

Hiroshima University

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