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We provide a platform to connect with anyone both in Japan and around the world.

  • We provide the latest information from a wide range of research institutes from Hiroshima University, Okayama University, Shimane University, Ehime University, Hiroshima City University, Eikei University, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, JETRO, to around 50 industrial corporations, and 150 people from various companies.

  • Anyone can consult on Slack by filling in the “University Researcher Search/Matching Request Form” on Slack, and joint research either between universities or with industrial companies are also feasible.

  • By distributing the latest event information of the company, you can expect to attract more customers and advertise your company.

  • Since the automatic translation software DeepL is installed, cooperation ecosystem with oversea organizations can be easily carried out at any time without language barriers (supported languages: English, French and 10 other languages worldwide).

Actual use of Slack (1)
​Multiple channels are prepared for each purpose, and various information and consultations are posted.


Actual use of Slack (2)
Simultaneous translation into 10 languages such as English and French is possible, and you can connect with various institutions around the world.


Actual use of Slack (3)
Any member company can use the “consultation form” to connect with Hiroshima University, other universities in Chugoku and Shikoku regions, and other companies as well.


©2023 by Hiroshima LOVE it Consortium

Headquarters for Open Innovation, Academic and Social Collaboration Office, Hiroshima University

1-3-2 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture 739-8511

Email: sukijyaken*

(Note: Please replace * with half-width @.)

Tel: 070-1542-7123

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University SNS
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